On the 48th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, we’re reflecting back on the impact of this fundamental environmental and public health law. On October 18th, 1972, Congress enacted the Clean Water Act. Since then, we’ve come a long way from rivers catching on fire, raw sewage discharged directly into rivers, and the unbridled destruction of wetlands and streams. In a changing climate, with less consistent rainfall, less stable snowpack, and increased drought, the presence of cold, clean water becomes even more critical for communities in our region. Now more than ever, it’s critical to consider the future of these fundamental protections.
Read MoreIt’s fall and the salmon are coming home.
Each year at this time, Chinook salmon make their way from the Pacific Ocean up the Rogue River and back to the very place they were born. The anadromous salmon is born in fresh water and then makes its way to the ocean where it lives for several years feeding before returning to its home waters. Once back in its birthplace, the fish spawn and then die, returning their bodies as nutrients to the water and land.
Read MoreOn June 1st, the Trump Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a new regulation gutting the Clean Water Act to fast track harmful fossil fuel projects, such as the Jordan Cove LNG project proposed in southern Oregon. This new regulation was finalized in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and widespread protests against police brutality and systemic racism.
Read MoreOn May 27th, we joined with Rogue Climate and eleven other community and environmental organizations to challenge the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) conditional approval of the Jordan Cove LNG project. Last week, a group of impacted landowners along the pipeline route filed their own challenge to the project.
With two denials from the state of Oregon, Jordan Cove LNG should never have made it this far. Today, we’re challenging FERC’s conditional approval of this harmful project that has already shown it can’t meet state standards that protect clean water and the health of our communities.
Read MoreWhile our communities continue to stay home to save lives during the global coronavirus pandemic, efforts from Pembina (the Canadian corporation behind the project) to move the Jordan Cove LNG project forward haven’t slowed down. Here’s a review of what’s happened since January 2020 and how you can make a difference in stopping the Jordan Cove LNG project once and for all!
Read MoreIn the middle of a global health crisis, it might be a little hard to answer that question. Even a month ago, most of us had no idea how our world would change with the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Although fifty years later Earth Day 2020 looks a little different than in 1970 when 20 million Americans gathered together at protests and rallies, the heart of this day remains the same. No matter where you are, you can make a difference. Will you join us?
Read MoreHow well do you know your neighborhood creeks? If you can safely get outside while following the Governor’s stay at home order and public health requirements, now is a great time to get to know your local waters. Like the roots of a tree, the small headwater streams and wetlands that flow into larger creeks and rivers are critical to the health of the entire Rogue River. But right now, some of these smaller waterways will lose protections under the Clean Water Act if a Trump Environmental Protection Agency rule is finalized. Learn more about how you can help take action to protect these waters!
Read MoreThank you for helping us celebrate our 10th anniversary in 2019! Check out our year in review photos. Cheers!
Read MoreCritical protections for the Rogue and rivers across the country are under a sweeping attack by the Trump administration. The Trump Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is systematically weakening and rolling back core provisions of the Clean Water Act that protect our clean water and public health.
Read MoreThere are so many reasons to become a member of Rogue Riverkeeper. To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we picked our top ten. But you really only need just one….
Read MoreThe Trump administration is proposing to gut the Clean Water Act threatening protections for the Rogue and its tributaries. Ask the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to stand up for iconic rivers like the Rogue.
Read MoreAs a mom to young kids, we go to parks a lot! And as Medford residents, we often strap kids to our bikes and travel the Bear Creek Greenway along the stretch between Hawthorne Park, Bear Creek Park, and U.S. Cellular Park. We pass many trail users on our outings including runners, bikers, families with strollers and wobbling toddlers, dog-walkers, and young people on skateboards. We ring our bike bells, flash the peace sign, and carry on.
Read MoreAs of today, more than 42,000 comments were submitted to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)! These comments overwhelmingly oppose the Jordan Cove fracked gas pipeline and ask DEQ to deny an important Clean Water Act permit that the project requires.
Read MoreCome to a Clean Water Act Comment Workshop to help protect the Rogue by stopping the Jordan Cove LNG project!
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